Psychiatric treatment and counseling is available to anyone in need of these services, from children to seniors. Included in this service is psychiatric evaluation, medication management, therapeutic counseling, and substance abuse counseling for the individual who has both a mental health and substance abuse diagnosis.
We also offer psychiatric rehabilitation and housing for persons in recovery from mental illness, or cognitive rehabilitation for persons recovering from a brain injury. Employment services are available to persons receiving either of these services. Eligible ages for these services are older teens and adults. More specifically, we provide:
- Psychiatric assessment, medication management, and therapeutic counseling
- Brain injury rehabilitation to those with an acquired brain injury who are at least sixteen years of age
- Psychiatric rehabilitation to persons with a mental illness who are at least sixteen years of age
- Supported employment and career assessment to the person with either a mental illness or brain injury
- Housing to persons sixteen and older with a mental illness
- Service delivery that includes nationally recognized practices research has shown to be effective.