A real challenge for anyone recovering from the effects of a lifelong mental illness can be attending to matters of daily living. Pathways provides a wide variety of in-home services throughout the Southern Maryland area at times convenient to the service user. These services can include:
Medication monitoring
Social Skills training
Identifying transportation resources
Benefits management
Health and Nutrition awareness
Home manage skills
Social and leisure planning
For someone enrolled in the Community Support program, staff delivers services to an individual's preferred location. Staff travels to a person's home or chosen locations and provides services there on individually arranged schedules that coincide with the person's needs.
Peer support programs provide an opportunity for peers to assist others in their recovery journey. Our Peer Support program is housed at the Calvert County Parole and Probation office and the Calvert County Department of Social Services office. Services demonstrate a high degree of flexibility and are individualized to the person receiving support to include:
Individualized and group peer support meetings.
These meetings are conducted at times and locations of the consumers choice, which may include telephonic, face to face and or virtual platforms.
Activities and interventions that reduce isolation.
Vocational activities: assistance with resume development and interview prep.
Accessing entitlements and other social services
Recovery advocacy, resource coordination, recovery groups, mentorship and goal setting
Connection to treatment-based supports
The highest level of support service available from Pathways is Intensive Support and is only available in a Pathways residence. Staffing in such residences is available on site for up to 24 hours per day. It is usually indicated in cases where the individual is transitioning from long-term hospitalization or may exhibit behaviors which indicate a need for frequent staff intervention. The individual needing staff intervention to a lesser degree in a Pathways residence is offered Varied Support. While also tailored to the individual, on average, a recipient of this level of support would be provided roughly three hours of on-site service daily.
Pathways Support Center
provides recovery-based illness management, community living and interpersonal skill development services for adults from St. Mary’s County and lower Calvert and Charles counties. Group activity offers peer support as well as socialization in group settings and cover a wide range of topics relevant to individual health and recovery and life in the community. Participants in Pathways Support Center activities are provided with free passes for the local public transportation system to enhance their mobility. Participants are also eligible for up to 2 nutritious meals and one snack per day, subsidized by a federal nutrition program. Program hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Who We Serve
Adults over 18 years of age who reside in St. Mary’s, Calvert or Charles County with chronic mental health issues who need support in developing or maintaining the skills needed to function successfully in the community.
Has a Public Mental Health System specialty mental health diagnosis.
Adults participating in the rehabilitation services will continue to receive clinical mental health services throughout their enrollment in the program.
Pathways, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider.
Apply for Services
To apply for Community Services, contact:
301-373-3065, ext. 212 to speak to
Gaither Parker Community Services Director or visit