
Internship Opportunities

The Pathways internship program is designed to give students the opportunity for hands-on experience in behavioral health. Employment experiences can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each student. Refer to our "Programs and Services" section on this website for a range of potential program placements. 


Counseling and psychotherapy, as well as medication management, are available for adults and adolescents. Verbal therapy is available in individual or group sessions, depending on need. When indicated, a psychiatric evaluation can be performed. Our services complement inpatient care by providing the necessary support upon discharge.

Residential Program and In-Home Community Support Services

Pathways recognizes that a person with a mental illness faces certain obstacles in community living. The Residential Program seeks to increase an individual's success in community life by providing rehabilitative supports in the home, and in some cases, providing the housing itself.

Pathways operates several residences in which consumers live in residential neighborhoods with access to local business and receive support from program staff.

The levels of support available range from a maximum of 24 hour on-site assistance to a minimum of less than one hour per day, as determined by a comprehensive assessment of need. During the time staff are not on-site, they are available for emergency response through a 24-hour pager system.
Consumers may leave the residence with or without staff being present. For those who live in their own home, staffing can be individually tailored to coincide with personal schedules.

There are a variety of services available to consumers of residential support services. They can include: medication monitoring, transportation, nutrition education, crisis intervention, skills training in home management, maintaining health and hygiene, and interpersonal communications. Staff also advocate for housing vouchers and other types of subsidies from local governmental agencies. They can even help the consumer with housing searches and meeting tenant responsibilities.

Support Center Program
Group community support activities are based at a centralized site, our Support Center, where consumers have the opportunity to meet in a supportive setting to address their rehabilitative needs. Although the Support Center acts as a focal point for rehabilitative and social activities, increased community integration is achieved by creating opportunities for greater access to local resources. Support Center staff acts as facilitator, working with the consumers and the community to match resources with rehabilitative needs.

Vocational Support Program
For consumers wishing to pursue employment, vocational support services are available. Consistent with Support Center operations, service delivery is need-driven and facilitated through the formation of partnerships involving the consumer, businesses, community resources, and Pathways. Specific services include: vocational assessment, pre-vocational preparation, job development, identifying and implementing strategies to prolong job retention, career development, linking consumers with governmental agencies that engage in vocational support activities, benefits monitoring, and work site transportation.

If you are interested in applying for an internship opportunity, please forward your resume and a letter expressing your anticipated learning outcomes to Human Resources at one of the following:

Mail: P.O. Box 129, Hollywood, MD 20636 
FAX: 301-373-3265 

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